Click and view the video below as an intro for clarity and perspective.

Framing Reality

The Truthiness Swamp

We are at each other's throats. My team does not believe what your team believes so your team is the enemy. Facts are what my team tells me to believe. Agreeing to disagree and embracing common ground, for civility and cooperation, is no longer viable. Verifying information via multiple reliable sources is too much work.

We'd rather go to broadcast networks, news channels, streaming media services, websites and social media platforms that fit our perspectives even when the information they provide is questionable, false or just made up. Science is evil. Reality is to be ignored and ridiculed. Meanwhile the manufactured hate on social media continues to destroy our youth.

We are drowning in truthiness.

What is Truthiness?

Truthiness is the belief or assertion that a particular statement is true based on the intuition or perceptions of some individual or individuals, without regard to evidence, logic, intellectual examination, or facts. Truthiness can range from ignorant assertions of falsehoods to deliberate duplicity or propaganda intended to sway opinions. This ferments another concept called "Divide and Conquer."

What Is Divide And Conquer?

This technique has been used for thousands of years as a way to control societies by convincing groups of people to disagree and fight with one another so that they will not join together. It allows those in power to do what they please as the masses are distracted and at odds with each other.

Who’s Really In Charge?

Just follow the money. We are being manipulated by those at the top of the food chain (the 1%) so they can continue to grow their piles of cash while we barely get by.

The majority of the one-per-centers pay little or no taxes because they do not receive a paycheck like most working folks. They are paid with stock, options and other assets. They then borrow against said assets, which they use for day-to-day expenditures, giving them no income to report and no taxes due. When the related loan is due it is paid with current or new allocated assets.

Their assets are handled by money and hedge fund managers who “play the markets against themselves.” They buy and sell only when doing both orders simultaneously generates a profit. Since the amount of capital required to engage this strategy is massive, common folk can’t play in this sandbox. With high speed computers, usually in "The Cloud", and AI this is becoming easier and faster. The wild price swings you hear about every day on the business news shows mean nothing. The hedge fund and money managers just cover the differences, referred to as flattening the account, later in the day or later in the trading week using the same previously mentioned technique. The common Joe Citizen can buy mutual funds related to these transactions but, since the percentage of their investment compared to the large investors is so low, they don't get any part of the huge profits that the big investors reap.

Check out these videos for some insightful money facts.

How is Money Created? – Everything You Need to Know
Who Controls All of Our Money?
How The Biggest Banks Get Away With Fraud

A Corporation Is A Person

In 2010 the US Supreme Court ruled in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission that companies enjoy the same right to political speech as individuals, thus throwing many restrictions on money in American politics out the window. Subsequently, so-called super PACs—political action committees that are financed in part by large corporations or their multi-billionaire shareholders, can pour hundreds of millions of dollars into political campaigns, as long as their efforts are independent of candidates.

The Real Party Strategy

With the power of technology and cooperation among our local communities, we can change everything. First and foremost we must redefine what government is really for. It should have one main purpose: maintain order.

The majority of our representatives are fossils whose knowledge of technology is low or non-existent. Just watch the hearings on block chain technologies and you will see how off the mark they are.

Once we grasp the power of block chain at the local and community level, government and their corrupt monetary system become irrelevant. Even the corporations that control media, are feeling the pinch of technology making media consumption cheaper and easier for the masses to engage (FAST: Free Ad-Supported TV, AVOD: Ad-Supported Video On Demand - See Pluto TV, Xumo, Tubi).

Local communities that embrace block chain efficiently and inexpensively can create economies that need little or no participation from government. The block chain peer-to-peer participants, you and I, become the banks, merchant processors and the like which allow for smart contracts that are encrypted and eliminate middle men.

This whole topic terrifies the big banks and the 1% at the top because at a certain point they too become irrelevant.

The main foundation for this new thinking is truth. Stop listening to the blow-hards and idiots on social media, broadcast networks and cable news. They just want your eyeballs and personal information so they can sell them to advertisers.

It’s time. Let’s get this done.

Let's start funding the cause.
